Monday, December 3, 2012

Snacks for Santa

What is your family's Christmas tradition for leaving snacks for Santa? Do you leave cold milk and cookies, cocoa and fruit cake? How many of you have children who continue the traditions of your childhood, with their little ones?

32 years ago, I made a Santa set for my daughter's first Christmas. A year later, I had requests from family members to make sets for their homes.  A year later, mothers of my daughter's friends ask me to make sets for them. It gives me great pleasure to know that every year of their childhood, they used something that I made for them.  It gives me even greater pleasure that some of them are using their Santa sets for their own children....and I have made a new generation of Santa sets for many of them. 

I love making them. It has become a Christmas tradition and one that I share for the first Christmases of each of the new babies in my extended family. Last year, I made a LOT of Santa sets but unfortunately I had to "remake" them.  I used a new brand of paint, when I could not find the paints I had used in the past.  After using the set, moms found that the paint washed off. In 32 years that had never happened. We still use that 32 yr old set and the one I made 16 years later for my son. Paint still intact!  Fortunately, I found the old brand of paint and am ready to start a new batch of Santa sets with no fear of having to "repaint" them. I have already made two sets and have washed them several times....paint intact!

Lesson learned:  if you can't find the tried and true, don't bother with the unknown!   

Here are some of the ones I made last year. If you would like to start a tradition with the little ones in your family, let me know. I will be glad to make a set for you.  (Allow 10 days)  Glass sets are $18, melamine sets are $12. 
Chee Chee Buie 

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