My mother in law lost her hard-fought battle with cancer last month. So many folks were there to help her and us in the last weeks of her life and after her passing. It amazes me how folks, some you barely know, just come to your aid and want to do something nice, special, helpful for the family. I call these angels "God's Hands". When you are trying to work, clean house, tend to the every day needs of your family, as well as prepare for incoming relatives and deal with the business affairs that come with losing a family member, there is no good deed that can be called insignificant.
My own family (brother, sister, mother) and our friends, neighbors, co-workers and church brought meals, leaving nothing to chance.....from utensils and ice, to dessert and trashbags. My son's friends were so thoughtful to him, as well, offering condolences and welcome distractions from the solemnity and sadness that often saturates a house during such times.
During the last few weeks of her life, my mother-in-law had several friends who came to see her on a regular basis. Some brought cards and board games and sat next to her bed and played with her, as they had before she became ill. Some brought their musical instruments and sat with her and played and sang hymns for her. Some came by often, with a take-out plate from one of Mother-in-law's favorite restaurants, and stayed to visit and reminisce over old times. One friend came by her house twice a week, bringing a beautiful bouquet of fresh cut flowers from her own flower garden, leaving a fresh scent and a smile each time. Another, whose health would not allow her to visit, called several times a week for a phone visit, as if they were sitting together in the same room. Others came by, read scripture to her and prayed with her. After her passing, we, too, have experienced the love of many of those same people, as well as those whose visits, cards, flowers, donations, phone calls and emails have made us appreciate one of the greatest blessings God grants - our friends.
If you were one of those who expressed your sympathy and condolences in any of the ways above, we thank you. If you offered prayers for Mother-in-law or us, or both, we thank you. All of you are God's Hands.
We invited anyone who wished to make a donation in lieu of flowers to donate to Hospice of SW Georgia. The staff members of this group of angels were very good to Mother-in-law and to us. We thank you so very much. I cannot think of a worthier charity.
Johnny & Chee Chee Buie
Mack Buie & Darbi Buie Brock
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